Category: Oil Investing

U.S. Investment in Renewable Energy

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted August 21, 2008

Energy and Capital editor Jeff Siegel reveals how a questionable, bipartisan decision about to be made in Congress may spark the next round of renewable energy profits in the U.S.

A New Paradigm

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted July 1, 2008

Energy and Capital editor Chris Nelder asserts the economy still has a long way to fall, but energy and commodities will yield standout gains.

It Takes Two to Contango

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted June 4, 2008

Energy and Capital editor Chris Nelder puts the spotlight on oil futures trading and the role of speculation in oil markets, and sees a buying opportunity for oil stocks.

Oil Plays in the Canadian Bakken

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted May 8, 2008

Today, Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl continues his look into the newest ways to play the Bakken oil formation.

OPEC: The Oil Cartel

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 7, 2008

Energy and Capital editor Sam Hopkins shows you why OPEC is here to stay.

Rockefeller vs. ExxonMobil

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted May 6, 2008

Energy and Capital editor Chris Nelder sees a turning point for Big Oil in the way that the Rockefeller clan is pushing ExxonMobil to invest in alternative energy.

High Gasoline Prices Are Here to Stay

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 22, 2008

Energy and Capital analyst Chris Nelder debunks some myths about why gasoline prices are so high, and explains why they're going higher still.

Canadian Oil Stocks

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted April 15, 2008

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains how Canadian oil stocks can take advantage of two competing Canadian provinces.

Market Outlook Part 3: The Bread Also Rises

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted April 1, 2008

Energy and Capital editor Chris Nelder explores the relationships between energy, the weather, and skyrocketing food prices.

Oil Drilling in the ANWR

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted March 17, 2008

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl examines whether the U.S. will meet its oil demand by oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).

Record Oil Prices

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted March 14, 2008

When Cheney flies out to the Middle East Sunday, he'll raise the issue of record high oil prices. But it may not do any good, says Energy and Capital editor Ian Cooper.

Oil and Gas Prices

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted February 27, 2008

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl explains how oil prices will break past $120 a barrel in 2008