Energy and Capital Editors

Keith Kohl

A true insider in the technology and energy markets, Keith’s research has helped hundreds of thousands of individual investors capitalize off the rapidly changing face of energy and technology as the editor and investment director of Angel Publishing’s Technology and Opportunity, Energy Investor, and Topline Trader advisory services. For nearly two decades, Keith has called practically every major tight oil play before the mainstream press got wind of them — including the now-famous Bakken oil boom, where companies have raked in billions in profits for their shareholders.

Brian Hicks

He's known as the original "Bull on America," and since 1994, Brian has shown investors how to profit from America's innovative and information-based economy.

Jeff Siegel

Jeff Siegel is the founder and managing editor of Green Chip Stocks, a private investment community that capitalizes on opportunities in alternative energy, organic food markets, legal cannabis, and socially responsible investing. Often declaring, “Capitalism is a catalyst for positive change,” Jeff continues to spot the most lucrative modern energy and infrastructure companies in the world. And his thousands of loyal readers have made small fortunes in the process.

Alex Koyfman

Alex has been an active trader for his entire adult life, beginning in the early 2000s when he successfully bet against the market on shares of WorldCom's crumbling stock. He has been an avid public and private equity investor for the past decade, and has been working in financial publishing since 2009.

Mike Munno

Mike Munno is an accomplished financial writer and long-time contributor to Energy and Capital, one of Angel Publishing’s premier financial newsletters. With nearly a decade of experience at Angel Publishing, Mike has become a trusted voice in the world of finance. Born and raised between Baltimore and Washington D.C., Mike’s passion extends beyond the realm of finance. He is a talented bass player in the Baltimore-based rock band Rebel Ernie, showcasing his love for music and dedication to his craft. When he’s not delving into quarterly reports or conducting research, you can find him immersed in his hobbies of music, reading, and writing. Through his articles, Mike brings a unique blend of financial expertise and a genuine interest in helping readers make informed decisions. By distilling complex financial concepts into accessible and relatable content, he empowers readers to take control of their financial futures.