This Sector Is Always Ripe With Profits

Written By Sean McCloskey

Posted July 30, 2021

I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned it, but one of my favorite sectors to trade is biotechnology.

The reason is simple: On any given day, this sector has the potential to hand out the biggest, fastest gains of any sector. In fact, three of the market’s five biggest gainers today are biotech companies. 

Biotech top gainers


And I can guarantee that this coming Monday one of the market’s top five gainers will be a biotech, and so will next Monday’s gains, and so on for as long as the markets exist.

That’s why biotech investing can be so exciting. On any given day, the right catalyst could spark a huge run-up in any one of the thousands of biotech companies on the market. 

A Sector That’s Always Ripe for Profits

It’s been a while since I’ve written or traded biotech stocks, but when I did, I booked some of the biggest, most explosive gains of my entire career. I’m not sharing these wins to brag; I simply want to show you how lucrative this sector can be.

Are you familiar with the da Vinci robotic surgery device?

DaVinci Device

This device is a revolutionary force in the medical world. It’s been revolutionary for Intuitive Surgical Inc. (NASDAQ: ISRG) stockholders as well. In February 2018, I suggested taking a stake in this company at a price of $397. Today, shares of ISRG trade for $987 per share!

And that’s not even the beginning.

In June 2018, I recommended another medical device company, Inspire Medical Systems Inc. (NYSE: INSP), at a price of $34.86. Today, I’m sitting on over a 400% open gain with INSP, and shares trade for $178 a piece.

Other big biotech gains flashed even faster, putting big bucks in my and others’ pockets in just a few months’ time.

On April 5, 2018, I recommended a lesser-known biotech formerly named Seattle Genetics, now named Seagen Inc. (NASDAQ: SGEN), at a price of $53.38. By the end of the year, the stock had nearly doubled in value after rising over $80 per share.

SGEN 2018 Spike

The catalyst back in 2018 was an FDA approval on Seagen’s Adcetris therapy for the treatment of Hodgkin’s lymphoma. More specifically, this therapy represented the first FDA-approved regimen for frontline treatment of Stage 3 and 4 Hodgkin’s lymphoma in over 40 years. That’s an incredibly significant single-event catalyst.

Even despite a massive sell-off after investors took profits late in 2018, shares today are near new all-time highs at $139. 

These Opportunities Are Not Random Events

On May 23, 2018, I recommended Merck & Co. (NYSE: MRK) at $58.45. By late December 2019, shares were trading just shy of $90. 

MRK 2018 Spike

The reason for the pop?

In 2018, MRK was close to releasing a new cancer drug called Keytruda. Trial data was very promising, which was very important because Keytruda had the potential to treat numerous different forms of cancer.

That catalyst powered MRK shares to some nice gains and quick profits for those who took my advice at the time.

And many of these gains can manifest in even shorter amounts of time. I could go on about the gains folks like you can score in the biotech and medtech sectors, such as the ARK Genomic Revolution ETF (ARKG), which is led by investment guru Cathie Wood. To date, I’m up over 170% on ARKG.

Some of the gains can come to you incredibly fast. Take for instance some recent flash gains my colleague and market analyst Keith Kohl made:

  • A two-week 225% payday on Intra-Cellular Therapies.
  • A one-week gain of 60% on Durect Corporation.
  • A 25% winner on Allied Healthcare Products in just five days.

Just like the gains I shared with you above, the gains Keith locked in were sparked by very specific catalysts… 

Catalysts that are often independent of the greater market forces but could make you very wealthy.

Where Can You Learn About These Catalysts?

The answer to that question is a complicated one. 

You see, to find these catalysts and know which ones are true moneymakers as opposed to fool’s gold, it takes weeks and months of continuous research — the type of time most folks simply don’t have.

The good news for you is my colleague Keith is all over the biotech space this year and has pinpointed upward of 144 catalyst-driven opportunities worth considering.

That’s 144 opportunities EVERY YEAR!

As a veteran biotech investor myself with a great track record to back it up, I can assure you the methodology Keith uses to find these catalysts is airtight and one of the best systems around. 

I know because I used a very similar methodology during my biotech trading days. I also know it can help you put huge amounts of cash into your pockets in almost no time at all.

Learn more here.

To your wealth,

Sean McCloskey
Editor, Energy and Capital

follow basic@TheRL_McCloskey on Twitter

After spending 10 years in the consumer tech reporting and educational publishing industries, Sean has since redevoted himself to one of his original passions: identifying and cashing in on the most lucrative opportunities the market has to offer. As the former managing editor of multiple investment newsletters, he's covered virtually every sector of the market, ranging from energy and tech to gold and cannabis. Over the years, Sean has offered his followers the chance to score numerous triple-digit gains, and today he continues his mission to deliver followers the best chance to score big wins on Wall Street and beyond as an editor for Energy and Capital.

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