27% CAGR For The Next 8 Years?

Alex Koyfman

Written By Alex Koyfman

Updated September 18, 2024

Not too many sectors out there can boast a projected CAGR of better than 25% for the next eight years. In fact, I only know of two off the top of my head — artificial intelligence and graphene batteries. 

Artificial intelligence is already raging as an investment trend, and there are plenty of tech giants out there to give you exposure if that’s what you want.

Good luck finding an underbought AI play, though. I’ve been looking for them, and unfortunately, that topic is what you’d call saturated in terms of investor interest.

If you want a diamond in the rough that few even know about, the second option is definitely the more interesting one.

According to a recent market analysis published by market research and new platform, Whatech.com, the graphene rechargeable battery market is projected to grow by more than 900% between now and 2032 — which breaks down to a CAGR of better than 27%. 

Of course, on a global scale, that’s still a tiny drop in the bucket. 

The lithium battery market, which is only projected to triple within that same time frame, will be registering more than a quarter-trillion in sales by the time it’s all said and done. 

So it’s no surprise that this nascent technological field is looking at some major growth over the next 10 years, but the question remains: How does one get onboard this train?

Well, the first thing you need to do is learn the basics. 

Not All Graphene Batteries Are Equal

There are graphene-enhanced batteries, which feature marginal improvements in the major rechargeable battery metrics, such as energy density and longevity, and then there are graphene batteries

The latter is where the real potential lies for a number of reasons. 

graphene batteries

First and foremost, graphene batteries, unlike graphene-enhanced batteries, contain no lithium at all. 

With the global lithium supply chain being dominated by the less-than-friendly, Putin-supporting Chinese Communist party, the departure from lithium dependance is a reward in its own right. 

To get off the lithium standard altogether is nothing short of revolutionary. 

But that’s only where the benefits begin.

Graphene batteries last much longer than Li-ion, with up to 5 times the charge cycle lifespan of the batteries you’re currently using in your phone. 

The Graphene Quantum Leap: Fully In Less Than 60 Seconds

They’re also far more energy dense, providing 2-3 times the total charge capacity. 

Installing such a battery pack on most currently available electric vehicles would instantly shatter the elusive 1000 mile/charge barrier. 

The biggest single difference, however, isn’t charge capacity or even overall service life. 

It’s charge speed.

This is where graphene batteries outshine everything else on the market as they boast full charging up to 70x faster than current top-performing lithium-based batteries. 

That’s not a typo. 70 times faster than what you’re used to. 

Just imagine charging your phone in less than a minute, and using it all week long. 

Or charging your Tesla in less time than it takes to pump half a tank of gas, and driving all month

In view of this level of improvement over today’s benchmarks, it’s actually surprising that Whatech’s CAGR estimates are as conservative as they are. 

Will Graphene Batteries Replace The Lithium Standard By 2030?

With graphene production now cheap enough to be done at commercial scales, and graphene batteries themselves already approaching commercialization, the question of why the Li-ion sector would even still exist by 2032 is legitimate. 

The fact is, despite the huge potential, things are still very early for the graphene battery market — but that also makes this the time to get involved. 

Because with every day and week that passes, upside potential is shrinking. 

But we really are still on the ground floor

In fact, while there are a number of firms researching graphene enhanced batteries, there is only one company producing 100% lithium free graphene based batteries. And all produced in-house. 

The company is Australian, and therefore unencumbered by unpleasant geopolitical factors.

It’s also relatively tiny, as most pure-plays in the graphene field are. 

That said, their batteries are already in advanced testing and full scale commercialization is in sight. 

Want to know more? Check out this presentation to get yourself fully informed.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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