Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) Boosted By Popular Opinion and More

Keith Kohl

Written By Keith Kohl

Posted July 6, 2015

Young Teslas

Have you ever heard the word zeitgeist? It refers to the popular opinions and social mood of a period of time.

And this time’s zeitgeist is bullish on renewable energy and Tesla.

Of the 10 most popular stocks on the market, Tesla Motors has the youngest fan base, followed by Alibaba, Amazon, and Apple. Those young fans have a huge impact on how well a company does.

And it’s not just in the U.S. that Tesla has such popular support. As many countries move away from coal and put more restrictions on emissions from oil and natural gas, renewable energies take center stage. Even religion is stepping in as the Pope recently called for a reduction of fossil fuel use to save the planet.

This popularity attracts the ‘ethical funds’ which are growing in number. One such fund is Triodos Sustainable Pioneer Fund, which invests in both Tesla and its sister company SolarCity. Funds like Triodos are encouraging other investors to drop their fossil fuel portfolios in favor of more clean energy investments.

Economically, Tesla is looking good too. Credit Suisse has raised their target price to $325, and their recent record Model S sales aren’t a bad show of growth either.

As ‘ethical’ and ‘green’ investments grow, and popular opinion supports the theory that they will, Tesla will be set to grow along with them.

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