India Gets Ambitious with Energy... with a Little Help

Keith Kohl

Written By Keith Kohl

Posted October 9, 2015

Believe it or not, India — with its 1.252 billion residents — doesn’t really come to mind when thinking about renewable energy.

At least, not initially.

And it turns out that the country is getting a little help from both the UK and New Zealand.

Look, India has already shown us that it has ambitious energy goals, but the question now is whether its leaders can help the country attain them.

Although carbon capture and offshore wind energy technology have not been adopted full scale in India, the country is getting a little help from both the UK and New Zealand.

The Indian government has already approved a national offshore wind energy policy. And even though there aren’t any operational wind farms in the country currently, that may change soon.Indiawindfarm

The UK government is giving India support in the form of about a quarter of one million dollars that will go toward programs that will increase access to electricity in India. Their government will most likely also support any environmental projects that India will develop along the way.

On top of this support, the New Zealand government is also interested in sharing technology with India in order to better assist with development of renewable energy projects.

New Zealand, in being a leader in renewable technology, has plans to increase the shares of technologies in the energy “mix” to 80-90% by 2025, and that could help with the overall growth of India’s renewable energy sector.

India’s Prime Minister is calling this “The Clean India Campaign”. It looks to be interesting, as India should be trying its best to be seen as a country with fast-growing technology.

To continue reading…

Click here to read the Clean Technica article.

Until next time,

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Keith Kohl

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