Dear Reader,
I’m not ashamed to admit that I still own and use a relatively ancient iPhone 7.
I’ve had it since it was new — going on seven years now — and despite the fact that I bought my own mother-in-law an iPhone 14 in August, I absolutely refuse to upgrade to anything more current.
My phone is scratched up, beat up, and requires almost constant charging, but its become an extension of my body and, what can I say… I have trouble parting with the things to which I’ve grown accustomed.
That’s the story I tell my wife every time she begs me to get something newer, anyway.
The truth is I’m doing something that consumers have been doing since the dawn of the digital age… I’m waiting for the next revolutionary advancement.
Of course, both you and I know that waiting for the perfect product is a futile endeavor, as incremental improvements happen on a seemingly weekly basis, but there is one change that I’m awaiting that will push me over the edge: the next big thing in battery tech.
Even if you don't know it, I'm betting that you've been waiting for the exact same thing, and for all the same reasons.
Right now it takes my phone a couple hours to charge from 1% to full capacity.
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In my case, this charge delay is highly variable depending on the charger I use, and the process is also complicated by the fact that the charging port has become deformed over time, leading to constant interruptions in the flow of electrons.
But, generally speaking, if I plug in at near zero, I can expect at least a 90–120 minute wait before the device tells me its full.
But what if that 90–120 minute wait could be shrunk down to, say, just a minute or two?
Sounds insane, right? Well, it’s precisely this level of advancement that I’m looking for before I go out and replace my beloved old 7.
And guess what? My wait may be reaching an end.
As you read this, a brand-new generation of rechargeable batteries is entering the final stages of development for the consumer tech market.
These batteries are completely removed from the lithium paradigm in the same way that compact discs stepped away from the magnetic tape standard 40 years ago… Or the way that gas and diesel replaced coal.
We’re talking a complete and total reimagining of a product class. Once it hits the market, nothing will be the same.
The only way this can be accomplished is by throwing out the lithium component altogether and replacing the standard, liquid electrolyte with a solid-state medium.
Did Aliens Give Us This Material?
The key new component in these batteries is graphene, the nano-engineered wonder material that won its researchers the Nobel Prize in Physics back in 2010.
Graphene itself is a modern marvel, boasting properties that are nothing short of otherworldly, but when applied to battery technology, the results completely leave today’s benchmarks in the dust.
Storage capacity will go up by a factor of 2–3. Overall life span, in terms of charge/discharge cycles, will see a similar improvement.
Things like fire and explosion risk, which every lithium battery in existence today carries into the homes and pockets of its owners, will be relegated to the pages of history.
But the biggest difference of all is the cursed charge delay.
Engineers at the company developing these batteries right now claim their batteries can improve charge speed by up to 70x, or 7,000%.
What took an hour to charge before will now take less than a minute.
That will be true for smartphones, laptops, and all other consumer electronics, and it will be true for larger items as well — including electric vehicles.
Charge Your Tesla in Less Than 60 Seconds?
Equipped with these new batteries, EVs will be able to take on a full charge in less time than it takes you to fill your car’s gas tank at the pump.
This is nothing short of a revelation for the EV industry, as charge delay has repeatedly been cited as the No. 1 hesitation among prospective EV buyers, as well as a major problem for charger availability.
A 70x increase in speed at the charging station means 70x the number of vehicles can be charged, which means fewer charging stations will be required to make the global shift away from fossil fuels a reality.
Now, reading all this, you might assume that the company bringing you this technological marvel is some major, multibillion-dollar multinational corporation probably based in China, but you would be wrong on all counts.
This company is a graphene-focused firm so small that’s it’s barely on the radar of institutional investors.
And it's based not in China but in Australia, which means that on top of owning the rights to a world-changing product, it also has the power and potential to unseat the Chinese Communist Party as the world’s No. 1 producer of rechargeable batteries.
China's Lithium Monopoly Might Already Be Obsolete
So what’s the catch, then? Are these batteries just an experiment in a lab? Are we going to wait years and years before seeing anything on the commercial market?
Far from it. Production has already begun in limited batches. Research and development has already transitioned into product testing and refinement.
We could see the first units delivered to end users at some point in 2024.
Now, for the investors out there, the news gets even better.
This company is public. It trades on two North American exchanges. All you need is the ticker symbol and you could own shares of it in minutes using any standard online trading platform.
Moreover, recent broad-spectrum corrections in the tech sector have put share prices at close to 52-week lows — this is despite the fact that the company is closer than ever to its end goal: commercialization.
Want to learn more about it? I’ve got exactly what you need to start your due diligence.
Fortune favors the bold, Alex Koyfman His flagship service, Microcap Insider, provides market-beating insights into some of the fastest moving, highest profit-potential companies available for public trading on the U.S. and Canadian exchanges. With more than 5 years of track record to back it up, Microcap Insider is the choice for the growth-minded investor. Alex contributes his thoughts and insights regularly to Energy and Capital. To learn more about Alex, click here.