Weekend: The Written Law Doesn't Matter

Written By Nick Hodge

Posted January 8, 2011

Welcome to the Energy and Capital Weekend Edition — our insights from the week in investing and links to our most-read Energy and Capital and sister publication articles.

I spent Friday at the Court of Special Appeals in Annapolis, serving as best I could as translator of legal-speak for my parents.

The case isn’t important. What is important is how the court system — and, indeed, many facets of society — operates.

My parents, along with millions of other trusting folks, are under the assumption that the written law matters, that justice is blind.

But really, laws are at the whim of human interpretation. If you don’t like the first interpretation, you can appeal for another — and another and another…

Depends on the how the three-judge panel is feeling that day. Is one of them irritable? Hungry? Having problems with his mistress?

So the opinion you get one day could be completely different from one you receive the next.

But nothing in the law has changed. It’s as constant as ever.

This general notion applies to many situations in life…

If you’re successful in asking the waitress to have the cook rustle up something special that’s not on the menu…

If you get to cross the street even when a driver has the right-of-way…

Whether an officer gives you a warning or a ticket for driving 10 miles over the posted limit…

Being able to gauge another’s intent, to decide in an instant what decision they’re going to make before it’s made, to instantly analyze multiple outcomes and correctly choose which one will happen, has infinite benefits.

But more importantly, being able to translate that ability to global problems and market issues — and know how others will react with their dollars — is the key to making serious amounts of money on stocks.

And some people just have it.

I know because I sit next to a few of them every day.

That ability — call it perceptive intelligence — is how Christian DeHaemer knew a Mongolian oil company was about to strike it big. He’s up 548%, and expecting much more.

It’s how Ian Cooper devised an options system that allows his readers to earn $680 for every $1,000 they put in each and every week.

It’s how Jeff Siegel knew to jump on a plane to check out a hunch about a breakthrough solar company.

And it’s how, week in and week out, the editors at Energy & Capital continue to anticipate and relay what the market’s doing and why.

More of that relaying below…

Call it like you see it,

Editor, Energy and Capital

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Sunless Solar: Daylight Savings Got You Down?
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How They’ll Steal Billions in Energy Profits: Infrastructure Investing: Building Long-term Value
Editor Keith Kohl shows readers one profitable way to play energy in the long term.

Energy of the Future: When Batteries Breathe
Editor Nick Hodge pours over some energy predictions for the next few decades.

Investing in Yukon Gold Stocks 2011: Get Ready for Major Yukon Gold Profits this Year
Analyst Luke Burgess discusses investing in Yukon gold stocks and gives advice concerning entry times.

Climate Change Opportunities: President Bush Saved $120 Billion with This Environmental Program
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