Weekend: Lessons from the Grease 2 Soundtrack

Written By Nick Hodge

Posted April 30, 2011

Welcome to the Energy and Capital Weekend Edition — our insights from the week in investing and links to our most-read Energy and Capital and sister publication articles.

In light of $110 oil, abundant natural gas, improving cleantech, and growing regulations, the energy industry is undergoing a round of mergers and acquisitions.

Since December of last year, there have been about a dozen announced tie-ups valued at billions of dollars and spanning industries from oil to solar to utilities.

Established companies are looking to secure future profits by purchasing new technologies and smaller companies…

And smaller companies are all too eager to sell if the price is right.

As spring marches into your backyard, here’s a lighthearted take on the current situation in the form of a song that’s perennially stuck in my head, “Reproduction” from Grease 2.

To the Tune of “Reproduction”

The energy industry is so constructed that every so often it undergoes consolidation.
If not, then a valuable technology can create the same situation.
Yes, any company that deals with electrons, write it on the list.
I’ll try to make this crystal-clear:
The search for higher profits turns this sector into a circus of debauchery.

Now you see just why VCs give untold millions to unproven start-ups.
And why utilities then buy the best ones should be cleared up!
We call this quest for satisfaction a what, class?
The need for vertical integration!
Hey, I’m lost, where are we?
Quarter two, month one…

Acquisition, acquisition!
Put your excess funds to work.
Acquisition, acquisition!
Make share prices go berserk.
You may not even know what a buyout is…
So I’ve got your explanation right here…
Where does the money go?

For example, in this complex market system the bigger companies
are always looking to get a piece of the downstream action.
It could be a cash or all-stock purchase.
Are there any questions before we get into it?

Is it possible SunPower’s solar success
Could’ve been on Total’s radar and never even knew it?
When a blue-chip with all kinds of cash
Starts buying other firms, do you think that others will do it?
I think absolutely, cause they want more market share
to boost their value on Wall Street.
With the shares moving fast, you’ll want to stake out your position… now!
Yeah, cause all the talking heads are saying “buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy, buy!”

Acquisition, acquisition!
Give me all your assets now.
Acquisition, acquisition!
It seems that’s all they think about.
Come on show me how high that valuation can go!
Ohhh, I think my stock’s gonna go up!
Where does the money go?

The big utilities and oil majors are the only ones that can really afford billion-dollar deals.
Any comments on this?

Hey Exelon, is it true that companies like you, you know, mature and all,
Carry some extra cash around for buyout occasions?
Of course they do. Then when the time is right for an offer
They call up the board and make a bid for the, uh, what do you call it, Constellation.
Oh, that’s how it works! Yeah, and what will the analysts say if it turns out like Time Warner/AOL, huh?
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!

Acquisition, acquisition!
The Duke/Progress deal’s been done.
Acquisition, acquisition!
For DPL it wasn’t fun!
See what happens when deregulation
Causes lower premiums?

Acquisition, acquisition!
Acquisition, acquisition!
Acquisition, acquisition!

Where does the money go?

This week’s more serious market commentary below.

Call it like you see it,

Nick Hodge
Editor, Energy and Capital

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