Investors Should Look to Commodities on Sale

Investors should be looking toward commodities as tensions with Iran and other nations heat up. Both gold and oil are on sale. Energy and Capital editor Luke Burgess explains why they’re so cheap and how investors can take advantage of certain commodity prices…

The Time to Buy Commodities is Now

I don’t think the economy is overheating by a long shot. But I would love to see it happen because you can make a lot of money in a boom cycle. Here’s How…

Boom in Alt-Energy Commodities Is Here

Demand is surging. There are now 10 Gigafactories in the works to produce batteries for electric cars. Elon Musk might have to add four more, and Volkswagen says it will eventually need 40!

Commodities On Watch for Hurricane Harvey

Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl looks into the possible damages these commodities could face after Hurricane Harvey hits.

Chinese Economic Slump Destroys Commodities

Energy and Capital editor Alex Martinelli shows that there’s a silver lining to the global commodities rout.

Investing in Nanotech Commodities

A new graphene-like conductor based on Tin atoms called stanene promises 100% electrical conductivity and could revolutionize computers.

Commodities Will Increase, Says Goldman Sachs

Guest contributor Brianna Panzica discusses Goldman Sachs’ prediction that commodity prices will increase over the year’s second half and into 2012.

China The Vampire Squid of Commodities

Editor Chris Nelder takes another look at China’s worldwide resource buying spree and explains why it is becoming the prime mover of global demand for oil and other commodities.

Why Demand for Copper Will Continue to Rise

For the last couple of years, we’ve been predicting the birth of a new commodities bull market, or a commodities super cycle, if you will. It’s here… and I believe we are in the first inning of this commodities supercycle.

These are the Best Dividend Stocks Under $20

If you’re looking for the best dividend stocks under $20, consider the energy market. From natural gas and oil to solar and wind, you can make a fortune in cheap energy stocks that pay double-digit dividends.