Mayors at Annual U.S. Conference Jump on Natural Gas Vehicle Bandwagon

Written By Nick Hodge

Posted June 29, 2010

As if BP didn’t do enough to secure the rise of natural gas in America, you can now thank your local politicians, too…

Mayors from various cities and towns across the United States gathered for the 78th annual U.S. Conference of Mayors meeting in Oklahoma City this past week.

For the duration of the conference, the mayors had the opportunity to experience first-hand the benefits of clean burning natural gas vehicles as they were shuttled around in natural gas vehicles sponsored by industry leaders and the American Lung Association.

This demonstration of the advantages of natural gas was meant to coincide with an endorsement of the clean burning fuel by the group — which is about to prove to be quite the blessing for natural gas industry investors.

You see, the Conference is calling Congress and the White House to pass the “New Alternative to Give Americans Solutions” (NATGAS) Act — a bill which establishes massive tax credits and federal incentives for natural gas vehicles.

In addition to the tax relief for vehicle purchasers and manufacturers, the group is also urging the Feds to renew another bill which would continue a $0.50/gallon tax credit for compressed or liquid natural gas fuel.

And they’re not just harping on financial relief; the mayors are also calling for expanded federal research into natural gas engines.

American Clean Skies Foundation CEO Gregory Staple says, “This resolution proves that mayors are keenly aware of the role natural gas can play in decarbonizing their cities and spurring the local economy. The low-cost opportunities to run municipal fleets on natural gas would result in budget savings and cleaner air, especially compared to diesel.”

Now’s the time to invest in natural gas vehicles

With federal and local endorsements and tax incentives, the future for natural gas vehicles has never looked brighter.

The fuel price has never been lower, and several companies are already banking on the future of natural gas vehicles.

One of these is Clean Energy Fuels (NASDAQ:CLNE), a natural gas refueling company owned by oil tycoon T. Boone Pickens.

Their stock is up over 317% since October 2008. It is expected to climb dramatically with the expansion of natural gas vehicles across the public and private sectors.

In fact I just put the finishing touches on a report that details a company that produces engines that run on natural gas. This outfit has already signed contracts with Wal-Mart, Peterbilt, and Volvo. And lately it’s been busy building bus engines for India and much of Europe.

I have a good feeling they’ll make Clean Energy Fuels’ 317% gains look like pennies in the bucket…

You can read all about it right here.

Consider it your investment guide to getting in on the inevitable natural gas revolution.

Call it like you see it,



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