Exxon Oil Analysis

Brian Hicks

Written By Brian Hicks

Posted May 3, 2013

Oil and gas production in the United States is evolving so rapidly that commodity researchers foresee the US as energy-independent within the next 10 years.

New growth in oil and gas production incorporating non-conventional drilling technologies has enabled the US to increase the production of crude oil by 1.16 million barrels a day in 2012.

This new oil independence is dependent upon oil efficiency. This country must be able to maintain and sustain its oil production to reach a status of self-sufficiency. With energy efficiency comes huge gains in energy security, economic growth, and the environment.

The investment outlook in oil and gas is encouraging and enticing.

There are many tax incentives available to the oil and gas industry to promote continuing project development to contribute to the goal of energy independence by 2023. With the future looking promising in this natural resource sector it behooves an investor to seriously consider oil and gas investments to reinforce their portfolios with a commodity that is in steady demand.

To learn more about the global future of oil and gas attendance at the 2013 Oil and Gas Finance Forum in New York City (Wall Street) is a must.

This Forum will feature a diverse group of industry experts, including economist Dr. Dong Fu of Exxon Mobil, Mr. Frank Holmes, CEO and CIO of US Global Investors Inc., Amrita Sen, formerly with Barclays, and frequently featured leading analyst in the oil sector on leading media outlets.

The Oil and Gas Finance Forum will take place on June 12th and 13th. For more information go to www.minellc.com/ogff13/

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