Elon Musk Unveils Hyperloop System

Written By Jason Stutman

Posted August 12, 2013

Last month, Elon Musk promised that he would publish the design for his San Francisco to Los Angeles Hyperloop system by August 12th.

Well friends, today is the day, and Musk plans to share the design with us by 4:30 EST, according to his most recent tweet.

hyperloop announced

This could truly be the future of public transportation. Believe it or not, we are likely witnessing an incredibly important piece of human history today.

There is a strong possibility that you will look back a decade from now and say “I was among the first to see the Hyperloop”.

Better yet, you might just look back one day and remember how the Hyperloop helped you to retire early or dig your way out of debt. You see, the Hyperloop is said to be solar powered, and there is no partnership more likely than one with SolarCity Corp (NASDAQ: SCTY).

If Musk pushes the Hyperloop along, as he has done with many other ambitious projects, SolarCity is likely going to see massive revenues from installations. But of course, that’s an investment decision reserved for those willing to take the bull by the horns.

In any case, you aren’t going to want to miss what the rock-star tech-mogul has to share later today. So set an alarm, follow Musk on Twitter, and make sure you have a few minutes to spare. 

Turning progress to profits,

  JS Sig

Jason Stutman

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